In The News
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Prime Publishing Hosts Cards for Veterans Charity Drive
October 03 , 2020Northbrook, IL – From October 3 – November 11, 2020, Prime Publishing is hosting a Card Drive for Veterans through its website Prime has partnered with Help Heal Veterans, an organization that provides free therapeutic arts and crafts kits to hospitalized and homebound veterans.
Readers are encouraged to send a card — homemade or manufactured– to a recovering veteran or military member. The cards will then be added to a Therapeutic Craft Kit assembled by our friends at Help Heal Veterans. These craft kits help injured and recuperating veterans improve fine motor skills, cognitive functioning, manage stress and substance abuse, cope with symptoms of PTSD and TBI, while also improving their sense of self-esteem and overall physical and mental health.
The design and message of the cards donated are up to you. For card tutorials and inspiration, check out our collection of Handmade Cards for Every Occasion.
Learn more about how you can donate to our Cards for Veterans Charity Drive here.
Learn more about how you can support our friends at Help Heal Veterans here.